Trespassing in places of education: ties and creativity in a research experience conducted in Kilifi (Kenya)


  • Rosita Deluigi Pensa MultiMedia Editore


Educational spaces become places when they are inhabited by interpersonal relationships. Between belonging and differences, familiarity and “elsewhere”, we are seeking unstable balances to diverge from the static certainties that condemn us to an isolated socio-cultural poverty. Designing and staying in educational places means first knowing how to develop an intentional space for intercultural openness and the dissonant proximity of plurality. Going on a journey, generating intra- and intersubjective interactions and dialogues, involves being willing to risk breaking
through fragile borders to build bonds and reflective projects. Thanks to a project conducted in Kilifi (Kenya), in urban and rural contexts, we will describe the paths of an action based on paradigms of participation, communities and mixed creative potential. The narration of the research strategies will bring out some important steps that recreate the sense of education and educating oneself, giving voice to continuous and reciprocal learning processes.

