Training male and female educators The role of italian Pedagogy


  • Simonetta Ulivieri
  • Silvana Calaprice
  • Andrea Traverso


The figure and training of socio-pedagogical professional educators are crossed by changes that affect education in contemporary society and they define their new training paths in compare to the social and economic transformations and to the phenomena associated with international and local political-strategic balances, migration processes, transformations of the social and cultural structures of the territory. The life of humanity becomes more insecure and precarious and subject to dehumanization processes.
Educators and pedagogists tried to answer to these social transformations and they assumed new responsibilities, taking care of fragile and marginal subjects, helping them to live with precariousness and diversity. On this position the educational research has progressively created a high quality training offer to didactic level, that during the years is improved itself and organized with associations in the same sector.
The proposal law S. 2443, known Iori law, is the result of a collective reflection of Italian pedagogy and it is strategic compared to the coherent organization of higher education, study qualifications, skills and professional fields of educators. This law represents an important turning point for the quality of educational services and for the professional and working life of people who operate in this sector.

