Making the invisible visible. Gender, migrations and educational contexts


  • Valerija Vendramin Pensa MultiMedia Editore


The general aim of this article is to provide conceptual tools for deconstructing
and supplementing some of the existing frames of thought as regards (re)presentations of gender in the context of education in general and in curricular materials in particular. The author first delineates her theoretical background (feminist theory and critical pedagogy) and then proceeds to curricular analysis from the point of view of gender and migrations, which in a way equals “invisibility of women” (marked not only by gender, but also ethnicity, class and other dimensions of social inequality). A quick look into Slovenian history curriculum for elementary school is presented, together with the proposal of how to detect gaps
or lacks when analysing the (re)presentations of gendered migrations. The author
concludes with the final insight that curriculum practices must enable knowledge
to be problematised rather than naturalised.


