About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Pedagogia Oggi [Pedagogy Today] is a peer-reviewed journal produced by SIPed - Società Italiana di Pedagogia / Italian Pedagogical Society; it publishes articles on cutting-edge themes across the different domains of education research, covering developments in both Italian and international scholarship.

Pedagogia Oggi comes out every six months (two open access issues per year, in June and December). It is ranked by ANVUR as a Class-A scientific journal in the field of education (areas 11/D1 and 11/D2).

All members of SIPed may submit articles to Pedagogia Oggi as, by invitation only, may Italian and foreign authors of recognized academic standing.

The journal comprises a special topic section and a free topic section. The deadlines for submitting articles are: 01 March and 01 September. For the special topic section, follow the instructions provided in the call for papers (which include a specific deadline for the pre-submission of abstracts).

Peer Review Process

Duties of the Reviewers

 The reviewers help the Executive Editor to decide upon submitted manuscripts by providing objective and professional assessments of them; they can also help authors to improve their papers (via communications mediated by the coordinator of the peer-review process).

Any selected reviewer who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and excuse him/herself from the review process. Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author(s) is inappropriate. Reviewers should express their views clearly with supporting arguments.

The peer-review process is anonymous, and reviewers are required to maintain the confidentiality of all unpublished materials sent to them by the journal. Manuscripts submitted for peer review must not be shown to or discussed with others or used for personal advantage.

Duties of the authors

 All research data presented must be precise. The research itself must have been conducted with the rigor demanded by in its specific scientific field, and the findings presented clearly and accurately.  All data and other information about the research must be presented in sufficient detail to allow others to check, replicate and cite the reported work.

Submissions to Pedagogia Oggi must comply with the Instructions for Authors provided on this website; crucially, in-text citations and reference lists must follow the prescribed format and all articles must include an abstract in English.

Authors must ensure that they have written entirely original works based on their own research; where they have drawn on the work and/or words of others, this must be appropriately cited or quoted. Authors must also cite works that have significantly influenced or informed their submission.

Pedagogia Oggi does not accept manuscripts that have been simultaneously submitted to other journals for consideration. Authors should ensure that the key research findings reported in their submission have not already been published in other scientific outlets. This rule may be waived when the previously published version of the paper was in a different language.

When the paper has been written by multiple authors, the corresponding author should ensure that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

The authors retain sole responsibility for obtaining permissions to reproduce graphic or other illustrative material - the journal disclaims all responsibility for the use of such material.

Open Access Policy

Pedagogia Oggi provides open access to all its contents, on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Journal sections

Each issue of the journal is composed of two sections:

 - Special Topic Section: each edition of the journal focuses on a specific subject, which is treated in depth in a special topic section reserved for articles on cutting-edge themes and debates issuing from the Italian and international education science community. SIPed’s Steering Committee identifies both the theme and the editors in charge of the call for papers for each special topic section.

 - Free Topic Section: each edition also includes a section for articles submitted by members of SIPed, on topics of the authors’ choice, which must however be in keeping with the guidelines specified in the call for papers for the free-topic section.

Call for Papers - Free-topic section


This section is reserved for articles submitted by members of SIPed on topics of their choice.

Specifically, the journal welcomes submissions on topics from the following subject areas:

 -         Theory of Education and Social Pedagogy: theoretical-foundational and epistemological-methodological discussion; analysis of educational and professional development needs, both at the broader societal level and in organizations; education research in the fields of cultural and life-style changes, and the educational implications of new social and intercultural phenomena; continuing and adult education; the profile and competences of education practitioners across the different education and training settings.

-          History of Education: reconstructions of the historical development of educational thought and research; the history of schooling, educational institutions and educational practices across different socio-cultural contexts, including from comparative perspectives; historiographical sources for reconstructing the history of educational and professional development processes; the history of childhood education and literature.

-          Special Education: teaching/learning methods and techniques and educational technologies, both in schools and in education more generally, as well as research on teaching/learning approaches for students with disabilities; support and catch-up teaching; integration and inclusion in education settings; integration and inclusion in education; in general, the pedagogical treatment of difference.

-          Experimental Pedagogy: applied and empirical experimental work on assessing competences, academic performance, and educational processes; models and methods of educational design and the evaluation of educational technologies and techniques and teaching interventions; the methodological skills required to conduct research on teaching/learning and assessment processes.

-          Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy: the development and teaching of theories, techniques and methods for physical education generally or physical education designed for particular groups of students or students of a particular age; models and practices in physical and sport education that emphasize the corporal dimension of educational processes.

-          Reviews
Each issue of Pedagogia Oggi will include a certain number of reviews that can vary as a function of the available space. All book reviews must be between 500 and 1,000 words long and may only be submitted by members of SIPed. Reviews submitted for consideration must be sent to all of the following email addresses: simonetta.polenghi@unicatt.it; emiliano.macinai@unifi.it; gabriella.daprile@unict.it

Instructions for authors

Articles submitted for consideration may not exceed 30,000 characters (with spaces) in length, including references, abstract and keywords.

Languages accepted: Italian, English (preferred), Spanish.

The abstract (100-150 words) must be also provided in English, as must the five keywords.

Abstracts in English and articles in English/Spanish must be written/edited by a native speaker to qualify for publication.

Only articles of Siped members are accepted, plus foreign scholars by invitation. The Journal does not accept articles with more than two co-authors.

The journal accepts original articles that have not been published elsewhere and have not been simultaneously submitted to other journals for consideration.

Prospective authors must first register on the website and then login to upload their submissions to the journal’s online platform.

Cut-off dates for submitting manuscripts: 01 March for the June issue; 01 September for the December issue.

All submissions are subjected to a double-blind peer review process. 

Peer-review process: As soon as submissions are received, they are sent to two anonymous reviewers who have been selected based on their specific areas of expertise and research interests. Within 30 days, the reviewers will send their reports on the submission to the coordinator of the peer-review process, providing one of three possible ratings: A ("approved"), B ("approved with amendments"), C ("not approved"). 

As a result, the paper will be: (A) sent to the editor for publication; (B) returned to the author with recommended changes - once the changes have been made, the paper will be eligible for publication; (C) rejected.

Papers that do not meet the journal’s editorial standards will be rejected without being sent out for peer review.

Peer-Review Committee: The names of the Peer-Review Committee members are published at the end of each year.

Coordinators of the peer-review process:

Giuseppa Cappuccio, Università degli Studi di Palermo; Andrea Bobbio, Università della Valle d'Aosta

Editorial standards

Article template

Publication timeline

Pedagogia Ogg  respects the publication timeline shown below:

1.     An initial editorial review, by the editors, with consequent rejection or peer review assignment (within 3 weeks of submission);

2.     Blind assignment to 2 reviewers (by the referee process rsponsibile editor, after consulting the director and the special issue editors);

3.     First round of peer review (within 4 weeks of the assignment);

4.     Notification to the author;

5.     Author's modifications of the paper subsequent to reviewer's evaluation (within 2 weeks of the editor’s request);

6.     Evaluation of author's modifications made by reviewers (within 2 weeks)

7.     Last editorial decision (within 1 weeks of receipt of the last version).

In the event of discordant reviews, with the help of the section editors or the editorial staff, the director will decide whether or not to publish the contribution and to send it to the other reviewers.