La descolarizzazione incompiuta.

Per un rilancio educativo della scuola del post-pandemia


  • Stefano Maltese Department of Humanities Studies, University of Naples Federico II



Analyzing the path that the school has been going through during the current pandemic emergency, this paper is a critical reinterpretation of that path, inspiring a juxtaposition to the process of deschooling theorized by Ivan Illich in the second half of the last century. His theorization has been left unfinished though, because it has been deprived of its original pedagogical foundation. Therefore, the paper adopts some well-known categories of critical pedagogy, and highlights the significant latency of a pedagogical thought in the arrangement of the most recent school policy choices, aiming at underlining its essential design, precisely in this delicate passage of leaking out of the emergency. Starting from the current educational emergencies, revealed and amplified by the pandemic, the educational role of the future school is one of the most central and unavoidable objects of pedagogical reflection.

