Touching, knowing, representing

From touch to tactile images: the thinking of Montessori, Munari, Romagnoli, Ceppi


  • Roberta Caldin Full Professor , University of Bologna, Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin" Academic discipline: M-PED/03 Methodologies of Teaching and Special Education
  • Enrica Polato



In the bio‐psycho‐social approach of the ICF (WHO, 2001), the concept of interaction between the subject and his or her context is considered central, and the deficit is considered dependent on interactions with the life contexts – hindering or fa‐cilitating inclusion – in which the person lives. In this sense, in order to conceive, design and implement an educational intervention it is necessary to make intelligible the elements on which it is possible to work educationally: in this, the work with sensory deficits enlightens us and acts as a forerunner, highlighting the importance of the use of multiple and targeted languages and appropriate aids that act as mediators.
Among the various existing mediators, we would like to present TIBs (Tactile Illustrated Books), characterised precisely by the plurality of stimuli and languages they offer. Thinking about TIBs, their design and conception are currently evolving in parallel with the knowledge about non‐visual mental images and haptic touch and the comparison with the graphic‐manipulative representations of reality produced by people with visual impairment.
Many of the thoughts, insights and knowledge presented below find their roots in the thinking of a number of great Masters whom, in this contribution, we recall with particular gratitude.


Author Biography

Roberta Caldin, Full Professor , University of Bologna, Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin" Academic discipline: M-PED/03 Methodologies of Teaching and Special Education

Full Professor of Special Pedagogy, she was Director of the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Bologna and President of the School of Psychology and Educational Sciences. She was President of the Italian Society of Special Pedagogy from 2017 to 2020, a member of the advisory board of the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland from 2011 to 2020 and a member of the technical-scientific committee of the National Observatory on the Condition of Persons with Disabilities of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. Her research interests concern, specifically, inclusive processes and facilitating contexts in disability situations; she also pays particular attention to the issues of marginality and detention. She has numerous publications to her credit in these research areas.





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