Sentieri e segni della storia della pedagogia speciale: educazione corporeità e disabilità in Edouard Seguin


  • Angela Magnanini Università degli Studi di Roma “Foro Italico”


The present paper, after a historical and methodological introduction, aims to rebuild a small tessera of the complex mosaic of the History of Special Education, through a microscopic investigation. This survey is intent on detecting the supporting structures of education, seen as a theoretical paradigmatic construct, through the analysis of the thought of one of the scholars considered one of the main founders of Special Education: Edouard Séguin. Through the intertwinement of Historiography, Special Education and Pedagogy, it is possible to reveal the importance of corporeality as a foundational category of education and essential element for the recognition of diversity.
Following the traces, rereading and reconstructing the history, we can see the prodomi of an inclusive education and a reflection, which are still able to provide interesting suggestions for a democratic, pluralistic and liveable society.





I. RIFLESSIONE TEORICA (a. incontro con la storia; b. questioni epistemologiche)