Interdisciplinarità e bisogni educativi speciali in tempi di lockdown sanitario obbligatorio: una connessione reale anche in ambiente virtuale


  • Donatella Fantozzi



The transition from classroom teaching to distance teaching involves dealing with organizational,
methodological, and certainly not least relational issues, even if the two modes are simultaneously
organized and planned in advance.
When the transition from real to virtual class is unexpected and complete, without foreworning,
not designed by preliminary training that has had time to settle down and to be tested, problems
and risks could be significant, for teachers and also for learners: relocate yourself in a virtual
space and time, trying to maintain the same relationships and teaching strategies is not allowed
by this environment itself.
The article proposes some activities which, while being effective at any time of the school
curriculum, both face to face and remotely, try to highlight how on the one hand interdisciplinarity,
on the other inclusive educational planning, could represent effective educational tools
to face the distance teaching without the risk of neglecting pupils with special educational needs





I. RIFLESSIONE TEORICA (a. incontro con la storia; b. questioni epistemologiche)