Il nuovo identikit professionale dell’educatore socio-pedagogico in prospettiva inclusiva


  • Patrizia Gaspari


The socio-pedagogical professional educator, recently redefined by the Law 205/17, Budget Law for the financial year 2018 multiannual budget for the three-year period 2018-2010, section 1, subparagraph 594-601 (G.U. n. 302 of 29/12/17 effective date 1/1/18), assumes a strategic and rigorously recognized role as a professional in the field of educational care and help within the micro and macro social and educational contexts. Nowadays, in fact, these contexts are constantly called to renew themselves in the direction of the affirmation of the inclusive perspective in order to ensure full citizenship, membership and participation rights of all forms to diversity. With reference both to the delicate task of inclusive governance required within the Special Pedagogy and to the careful planning of personalized educational-didactic interventions, it is necessary to critically reread the educational background and skills of our professional. In particular, it is necessary to combine theoretical knowledge with good practices developed to decrease marginalization and inadequate participation of people with “special educational needs”.






I. RIFLESSIONE TEORICA (a. incontro con la storia; b. questioni epistemologiche)