La cura e la protezione dei minori dei servizi educativi 0-6 anni. Un percorso formativo per educatrici di asilo nido ed insegnanti di scuola dell’infanzia


  • Paola Sartori
  • Monica Cappellari
  • Raffaella Goattin
  • Rosanna Rosada


The interception early onset of risk factors for the care and protection of children provides educational services for early childhood, child care and preschools, in a privileged position of listening and observation, and allows them to activate quickly and more efficiently the network of relationships and actions necessary to protect the child and his well-being. Starting from this premise, within the ecological perspective of child development, has commenced a training program aimed at more than 400 educators and teachers of the City of Venice with the aim of increasing awareness and educational tools available staff in the paths of care and protection of children. The article highlights the results of the training achieved on both the cognitive and methodological knowledge through the co-construction of meanings and actions between the different actors involved.

