We can also learn out-of-doors: initial experiences of the National Outdoor Learning Schools Network


  • Alessandro Bortolotti Pensa MultiMedia Editore
  • Corrado Bosello




This paper provides an example of Outdoor Education formal approach, talking about what can be considered the most advanced Italian institutional experience in this specific field: The Outdoor
Education Public Schools National Network. The Network wants to be open and plural, so to establish alliances between head teachers, teachers, parents, pupils, environmental educators, academic professors; finally, to include Europe in its horizons too. The experience, so far carried out by those who are actually involved in the Network, shows how an “open” educational approach is capable to successfully reach pleasant goals. Therefore, it is not by chance that we could observe healthy lifestyles, knowledge, inclusion, active citizenship and sense of well-being developments, both in adults and children – who are doing outdoor activities, of course.

