Tutorato Universitario


  • Pilar Martínez Clares
  • Benito Echeverría Samanes


The university faces the challenge of transforming its traditional formula of training, creation and transmission of knowledge facing the new era of continuous flow (Thomas, Seely Brown, 2009) or liquid modernity (Bauman, 2003), which generates changes in the form of learning, organizing, communicating, managing information and relating, where tutoring acquires a leading role and represents an important approach to the needs of students and the monitoring not only of the process of learning, but of its integral development through the art of The Socratic method. Tutoring in the EHEA is reactivated and considered a continuous, systematic, interdisciplinary,
integral and comprehensive action that aims to guide students by encouraging their maturational development, their capacity for self-determination and their autonomous decisionmaking. Tutoring is a response to the current university. It is a right of the student body that provides value to higher education and contributes to a better teaching-learning process. Its purpose is to find a space open to dialogue and shared work.

