Maria Antonella Galanti, a carefully researched mess


  • Donatella Fantozzi Dip. Civiltà e Forme del Sapere - Pisa University



Tracing the scientific profile of Maria Antonella Galanti necessarily requires a series of preliminary reflections which develop the profile itself, these unfold a wider range of connotations towards other fields. Antonella Galanti worked tirelessly by tracing dinamically the relation between pedagogy and neuropsychiatry, between pedagogy and psychoanalysis, between pedagogy and philosophy, between pedagogy and art. Her studies have always deliberately kept very free boundaries; continuous hybridization was, for her, an indispensable condition, a sine qua non for scientific research to be defined as such. The interdisciplinary characterization runs through all her works to the point that one breathes a conscious and sought-after disorder in order to demonstrate how the human mind cannot help but continuously mestize itself to keep both unicity and molteplicity at the same time, to maintain its ability to extend to the liminal borders managing to establish relationships that develop new and continuous approaches and alterations, new and continuous crises, new and continuous scientific riches shared precisely on that borderline in which no discipline closes and never stays alone, nor can it remain, where the illegitimate concubinage desired by Morin (1999) is capable of generating fascinating ambiguous and transversal gazes.





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