The Social Gym as an education device to cope affectivity and sexuality. A phenomenologically oriented investigation


  • Valentina Paola Cesarano



The purpose of this paper concerns the exploration of the Social gym, a relational, emotional
and sexual education device promoted by the "Arte Musica e Caffè" cooperative in the Campania
context, aimed at people who experience mental or psychiatric distress. During the interviews
the theme of the experience of the Social Gym and the themes of affectivity, sexuality and planning
were addressed. The analysis of the interviews according to the eidetic phenomenological
approach has allowed to highlight the highly educational value of the Social Gym, as a device
that promotes the life project, the skills and the social inclusion of the participants who live a
mental or psychiatric discomfort. Affectivity and sexuality are recognized as central dimensions
of human existence and personal development. During the interviews carried out, two testimonies
of sexual harassment suffered by two women with mental discomfort during adolescence
emerged. These testimonies unfortunately confirm the double discrimination of women who
live in a condition of disability.





III. ESITI DI RICERCA (a. ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa; b. Strumenti e metodologie)