L’ideazione di uno strumento per guidare i docenti nella la realizzazione di una progetta­ zione universale in dialogo con il PEI. Un percorso di Ricerca­Formazione


  • Samantha Armani University of Genoa, Department of Educational Science
  • Valentina Pennazio




The contribution wants to introduce the design structure of a Research-­Formation path started from September 2022 with the teachers of a school (that includes kindergarten, primary and lower secondary school) province of Savona, in Li­guria Region, aimed to producing a tool that can to manage teachers in the realisation of individualized and personalized learning paths able of creating really, not only in theorical level, but also in practical aspect, the dialogue between the EIP and class design (in its micro and macro dimension) wished by the legislation and literature of the sector.

