Autismo: tra prospettive teoriche emozionali ed investimenti educativi trasformativo-inclusivi


  • Felice Corona
  • Tonia De Giuseppe


The social context in which we live, exerts a considerable influence on the individual, so as to define our personality and affect our development. The American psychologist Bronfenbrenner has, in the theory of Ecological Systems articulation of the social context within which they interact chains of interrelation systems, which affect individual and collective wellbeing. Any adjustments to the education system, means contributing to the creation of motivating significant relationships, in an exchange between systems-environment, what kind of family, class / school, community / society. In the seven points on which articulates the organization of inclusive education presented by the American psychotherapist Erickson, the main issue concerns the use of emotional and motivational management of pupils learning which of address carrier for a promotion of social welfare. The emotions are the driving force of conscious motivation to action, the result of interdependence
between rationality and emotionality. In the presence of disorders of the relationship, even with autistic profiles, the teaching-educational investment in the management of emotions and different forms of conflict, towards oneself and with others, is a training challenge for a school that can be defined inclusive.





II. REVISIONE SISTEMATICA (a. meta-analisi; b. Evidence Based Education)

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