From the flood to the emergency.

For a pedagogically founded idea of progress


  • Ines Giunta Università Ca' Foscari



Progress; Sense; Metaphor; Human flourishing; Sacred


Correlating the construct of progress with that of education places us before a difficult task: it is, in fact, a concept which not only constitutes an a priori form through which to select, transpose and signify the educational experience, but which also concerns the very finalization of education.

Consistent with these premises, in order to clear the field of other and often misleading connotations that lead us to apply distant paradigms to the very meaning of progress in education, if not when of opposite sign, to the ecological one, we will proceed by first choosing the method through which understand what is meant by progress; the reference will therefore be identified; we will continue, then, by choosing its meaning and will conclude, finally, by bringing its generic meaning back to an ecological perspective.

