Progress and its discontents. Notes on the sentiment of the crisis




Progress, Mood, Sentiment, Phenomenology, Education


The idea of progress, main feature of western civilization for centuries, was subtended by a complex mood – a sense of security combined with faith in reason and trust in the future – that appears in deep crisis nowadays. The society of uncertainty and weak reason, indeed, is characterized by a lack of feeling for the future and questions any perspective of a cumulative and virtually unlimited growth. The phenomenology of affectivity shows that mood transformations disclose (or preclude) certain ways of experiencing and being-in-the-world. An analysis of the Stimmung of our times is developed here, in order to understand the deeper motives of the malaise of progress and to sketch the clues of a new experience of the world, which perhaps can be only attained through this discomfort.

Author Biography

Daniele Bruzzone, Department of Education, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Daniele Bruzzone è professore ordinario di Pedagogia generale e sociale all'Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Coordinatore del corso di laurea in Scienze dell'educazione e della formazione (sede di Piacenza), direttore del Centro Studi Contesti, Affetti e Relazioni Educative (CARE), editor-in-chief di Encyclopaideia: Journal of Phenomenology and Education, co-coordinatore del gruppo di lavoro SIPed sulla Pedagogia delle professioni della salute e della cura, membro del board del Viktor Frankl Institut (Vienna). Si occupa di filosofia dell'educazione e di sviluppo delle competenze esistenziali ed emotive nel lavoro educativo, sociale e sanitario. 

