Let's not forget the thespians. Orient so as not to waste on the first cycle


  • Daniele Barca




Competenze, orientamento, tutoraggio, multidisciplinare, coordinamento, valutazione, personalizzazione


“It shall be the duty of the Republic to remove those obstacles of an economic or social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, thereby impeding the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social organization of the country.” (Costituzione Italiana, art. 3).
How to remove obstacles? What choices would qualify middle school as having an identity 60 years after its original identity? In the Sixties, having before us «prairies» to sow culturally to avoid differences and create the first real social lift, the paradigms from which to start were school for all, the beginning of a new cycle distinct from elementary school, the compulsory and equal for everyone, the introduction of scientific culture alongside the certainties of the humanistic one.
Today, however, in the age of artificial intelligence, which middle school can be the one that doesn’t lose anyone? How can we make everyone equal to ensure that orientation is an inclusive opportunity and not an exclusive choice?

