Il circo sociale come dispositivo per una migliore inclusione e una maggiore qualità della vita. Una revisione sistematica della letteratura


  • Laura Menichetti
  • Silvia Micheletta



This contribution documents a study relating to the practice of circus arts as a device for creating inclusive communities, in which children, youngsters and adults – in particular those who in various ways are disadvantaged and socially marginalized (sick or disabled, homeless or drugs addicted, victims of abuses or wars, refugees, etc.) – can positively participate in the achievement of personal and social benefits. It aims at systematically reviewing the scientific research of the past decade (2012-2022) in order to verify the contexts, the goals and the effects of social circus programs. Over 12,000 articles were extracted and reviewed. Based on the chosen eligibility criteria, 21 were found to be of interest for the review: at the time there was a weak interest in circus arts compared to more noble ones. From the analysis of the articles, however, weak positive results emerge that justify the urgency of starting a broader and more in-depth research.

