"In fact, we often treat the foreigner as a disabled person". “In fact, we often treat the foreigner as a disabled person”. Migration and disability, open issues in preschools in Roma Capitale


  • Daniela Roggero P.hd | Department of Education Science | RomaTre University




This paper presents a part of a doctoral research dedicated to interculture in municipal preschools in Roma Capitale. Some important connections between intercultural perspective and special education, especially concerning the Disability Studies, became evident during the research work. It is possible to find an intersection on different levels, both when there is coincidence of the condition of disability and immigration in the same individual, and in theoretical and normative terms.

The paper reports some results and reflections on this topic, about educators’ training and skills, tools and teaching practices, problems and open issues that emerged during interviews with teachers and school directors.

The intersectional perspective would seem to be a key node, still underdeveloped but central to tackling the current complexity about Special Needs in education.

