La storia di Marco. L’intervento educativo-didattico per un bambino con autismo


  • Stefano Zucca



During our discussion, we will deal with the specific details, the behavioral difficulties and the impairments of the Autism Spectrum Disorder. We will do this through a case study regarding the story of a child, a son and a student that we will decide to call Marco. This means that the cognitive investigation will focus on an ideal situation typical of something much bigger that is the world of childhood autism. Under this label, in fact, there are personal conditions that, although they have some common elements among them, they are totally autonomous, difficult to access and, with no doubt, cannot be narrowed down to a single descriptive model. In light of this, by way of example, we intend here to examine the main behavioral characteristics of a subject with a neurodevelopmental disorder, his strengths and elements of weaknesses, focusing on special pedagogy methodologies required to carry out a preliminary analysis of the situation and to set the necessary educational-training interventions.
We will try to go in depth, "touching" the experience of Marco's family closely, the stories with doctors and his main famly figures and we will try to get close to the practice of an educationaldidactic intervention at school. At this point, we will also present some aspects and strategies of inclusive teaching will be presented such as observation and evaluation as well as the functional analysis of behavior.
Whereas the analysis of Autism Spectrum Disorder usually focuses a review of the impairments at the neuropsychological level and explanatory theories, the aim of this study is, on the opposite, to bring a real story, an experiencet can provide, although not solutions, but at least some practical tips and ideas.





III. ESITI DI RICERCA (a. ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa; b. Strumenti e metodologie)