The role of educators in medical visits of unaccompanied foreign minors. Interprofessional collaboration as a resource for fostering agency
Unaccompanied foreign minors; Educator; Patient agency; Interprofessional collaboration; Conversation analysisResumo
Adopting a phenomenological perspective to the study of educational events, this contribution aims to investigate the role of educators during medical visits of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFMs). The study reports data collected during fieldwork conducted at a public primary care clinic. Data were video recorded and analyzed relying on Conversation Analysis theoretical and analytical tools. The fine-grained analysis of words, gazes, gestures, and movements reveals that educators perform as promoters of UFM patients’ agency. Furthermore, the analysis uncovers how UFMs’ inclusion and agency are fostered through a synergic interprofessional collaboration between the educator and the physicians. Insights from this study constitute a valuable empirical resource for underpinning training programs aimed at fostering the “reflexive practitioner”.
Copyright (c) 2024 Federica Ranzani
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