The pedagogical challenge of AI

From human-artificial opposition to future subjectivities


  • Giuseppe Annacontini University of Foggia



Artificial intelligence AI, Spiral of silence, Resonance chamber, Future literacy


The myth of Prometheus, which relates what saves and what condemns, lends itself to describing the current socio-historical context in which infosciences have given us the gift of new techne and, with it, new tools that open up new problematic horizons. Following the logic of the Greek myth, two specific side effects will be analysed that are already well-known in communication studies but which, with the growing prominence of artificial intelligences, do not fail to outline risky scenarios that only pedagogical attention can make compatible with the ideals of awareness, emancipation and democracy. These effects – known as the spiral of silence and the resonance chamber – find in the proposal of a future literacy a useful suggestion to make the inevitable coexistence between human and artificial intelligence sustainable

