Images of childhood in the relationship between educators and family figures. Rootings, subjectivities and possible transformations

Rootings, subjectivities and possible transformations


  • Elena Luciano Università degli Studi di Parma



Images of childhood, relationship with families, educational contexts 06, pedagogical documentation, critical reflection


The construct of the image of childhood is analysed from the perspective that can best express its educational value, in the intertwining of its theoretical and methodological-applicative dimensions.

In particular, this analysis aims at illustrating how, starting with the pedagogical documentation of children's experiences within educational contexts, the dialogue between family figures and educational professionals can open up spaces for the explication and unveiling of one's own and others' images of childhood and thus enable new acquisitions, knowledge, awareness and changes regarding early childhood and education.

Author Biography

Elena Luciano, Università degli Studi di Parma

Ricercatrice in M-Ped01 presso il Dipartimento di Discipline umanistiche, sociali e delle imprese culturali - Università degli Studi di Parma

