R-Existing in the present time. Pedagogical reflections around the nexus among democracy, technology, subjectivation


  • Viviana La Rosa University of Enna




education, democracy, technique, homo poieticus, storytelling


The present time offers radical challenges to pedagogical research: not only is there a need to rethink human formation in increasingly hybridized and connective places and situations, but the very experiences of collective life also need to be redesigned from a pedagogical perspective so that the future of humanity can be assured. In this perspective, the essay intends to explore directions of pedagogical engagement with a view to the formation of subjects no longer inactive with respect to the future, but capable of generating proleptic and proactive pathways, as well as determining sustainable "shape changes" in the context of the virtual and real spaces of their being in the world. Indeed, it is from the desirable balance between homo technologicusand homo poieticus, in a generative encounter between technique and subjectivity, that it seems possible to generate new forms of democracy, capable of expressing reciprocity and philantropía

