Pedagogical responsibility and technological rationality.

Limits of the human, knowledge of the real, pluralism of ideas


  • Elena Madrussan università di torino



Pedagogical responsibility; Subjectivation; Technological rationality; Pluralism.


In the light of the cultural debate that has developed over the last twenty years on the controversial relations between technology and existence, the paper explores the forms of subjectivation that inhabit our time, but also those that are anticipated by our time. Constitutively called to the responsibility of thinking the future in an ethical direction, pedagogical reflection is committed to deciphering the conditions that make this instance possible or impossible. Hence the need to interpret the connections between the society of uncertainty and technological rationality in an attempt to understand the possible approaches. Summoning interpreters such as Hans Blumenberg and Paul Virilio, and literary authors such as Kazuo Ishiguro, some significant forms of cultural-historical narration of the relationship between human beings and technology will be explored.

It will therefore be a question of highlighting which processes of subjectivation are possible and how the irreducibility of the subjective can emerge as an instance of re-signification and existential design. In the awareness that those processes can only be characterised by an ethical-politically committed pedagogy.

