Learning environments for the prosocial behaviours and TA development
Emotional drivers, prosocial behaviours, self‐efficacy, learning environmentsAbstract
This article arises from the need to invite schools to pay greater attention to the delicate balance between ‘doing’ and‘ being’in students.
Today’s society, i.e. the knowledge society, compels us to be exposed to a constant flow of op‐portunities that can be taken, to experiences which can be lived and to knowledge that can be gained. However it is up to each individual to find his\her own way while acting with respect to‐wards himself and others. This article suggests to introduce T.A. into the school context with the aim of creating a learning environment suitable for each student and capable, at the same time, of supporting them in adopting pro‐social behaviors. The research is based on the Mastery In‐teracting Model, developed by Cesare Fregola, and especially underlines the meaning and impact of socio‐emotional involvement on learning related to the different behaviors connected to Emotional Drivers and to self‐efficacy.