Letter to a Teacher in the Technical Era


  • Edoardo Martinelli




the word as storyteller, context of reality, informal culture as the starting point, collective writing as process


In these dialogues of mine I have considered it useful to reveal the many problems, repre‐sentative of our society in the Era of Technology, using the school as a mirror.
It has been important for me, in order to identify the holes in a system full of leaks, to reflect together with those figures who are still free from the contamination of being “expert". The first of these figures was our Teacher whose essential aim was to liberate the compulsory schooling from an over abundance of abstractions and bring it back to the context of reality. With particular interest in the individual, to whom he offered a solid vocabulary capable of expressing the student’s own culture which then becomes the starting point of the process of education. The results reported in the interview refer to the network of schools named "Barbiana 2040", where we have brought to life our writing labs.
Questions lead us far, they place us at the great tables that grouped us in a circle, and they let us walk again, with free and critical spirit, the learning paths of our old school, where never once did we experience a frontal lesson nor a text book.




