La didattica esperienziale come strategia inclusiva


  • Giovanni Arduini



The ministerial documents that have accompanied the school reforms in recent years underline
the growing importance of designing learning journeys aimed at guiding each student towards
achieving their educational success, guaranteeing them the opportunity to learn in a lifelong
learning perspective.
Starting from this assumption, this work elaborates on some active teaching methodologies and
strategies that aim to make students the protagonists of an engaging and motivating learning
experience. In this perspective, the centrality of experiential learning in didactic planning also
emerges from an inclusive point of view. The school should be able to provide students with as
many tools as possible to deal with the problems arising from a reality characterized by increasing
complexity. In this scenario it is important to enhance every form of experience, even those
deriving from formal, non-formal and informal contexts.
In the following work, through the analysis of some interventions in the field, it can be seen how
experiential learning can represent a new way of building skills by accompanying traditional
teaching in a journey of rediscovering the educational value of experience, favoring inclusive
processes and enhancing the uniqueness of the subjects who learn.





I. RIFLESSIONE TEORICA (a. incontro con la storia; b. questioni epistemologiche)