Learning Disabilities e didattica del “potenziamento”: un percorso di valutazione di un training inclusivo


  • Loredana Perla
  • Cristina Semeraro


In italian school the focus on Specific Learning Disorders is highlighting the opportunity to intervene early with multiprospettive analysis that enable the identification and possible solution of the socalled Learning Disabilities (Hamill, 2000). The article provides the results of a project to upgrade the learning skills in accordance with the scientific paradigm of the Consensus Conference (2007,
2011) and the expansion of the learning domain-specific (Lucangeli, 2013) in the framework of inclusion didactics (Perla, 2013; Caldin, 2013, Medeghini et alii, 2013). The project was planned and implemented in collaboration with the Department of Education, Psychology, Communication of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” and the Comprehensive School “A. Chiarelli” in the territory of
Taranto with a group of students attending primary school, identified by a screening procedure, with the aim of identifying new methods of assessment and intervention to be offered to teachers to support their inclusive teaching (Perla, 2013). The study proposed to reach several objectives: to identify specific problems in a cognitive domain (reading, reading comprehension, spelling and calculation) by administering standardized assessment tools (quantitative analysis); to evaluate the perception of the teacher on pupil performance considering some key variables (qualitative analysis); to motivate students to study through tasks in which they could gradually experience
success; to improve the skills base through training in small group; to assess the maintenance of the results over time (follow-up to 3 months). The study, presented by investigating the interdependent relationship of learning disability (Hamill, 2000) with the stimulus of the educational environment (family and / or school), has confirmed the manifest and conditioning circularity between learning difficulties and inclusive teaching methods.





III. ESITI DI RICERCA (a. ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa; b. Strumenti e metodologie)