The competencies of specialized teachers for support activities: a Systematic Review


  • Leonarda Longo Università degli Studi di Palermo
  • Dorotea Rita Di Carlo Università degli Studi di Palermo



Outlining the competencies that support teachers must possess to effectively respond to the needs and educational demands of a constantly evolving school system represents a highly relevant and ongoing challenge among educational scholars. In this regard, while schools are increasingly assuming the role of the main vehicle for promoting inclusive processes, universities, on the other hand, are tasked with fostering new competencies in future support teachers to facilitate the adoption of equitable and inclusive practices. In line with this challenge, the objective of this work is to present, through a Systematic Review, a collection and comparison of contributions and studies on the competencies of support teachers, identifying the main competencies that, according to scholars, specialized teachers should possess. The analysis carried out can also be useful for developing tools to investigate the entry and exit competencies of support teachers, assessing the effectiveness and quality of the training provided.

