Progetto I.D.E.E: images digital and emotional education


  • Stefania Morsanuto Niccolò Cusano University of Study - Rome
  • Fabiana Ludovisi Niccolò Cusano University of Study - Rome
  • Francesco Peluso Cassese Università Niccolò Cusano, Roma



The work presented proposes an educational‐didactic intervention of emotional literacy through the use of digital cameras operated by the children. The idea is that they can explore the reality that surrounds them through an analogical tool in the school environment, exploiting its contribution to communication and understanding of the representation of their own experiences. Perception, according to Gestalt theories, is an interpretative reading of what happens. For children, developing their senses is indispensable for understanding their surroundings, analysing what is experienced, enhancing the active mental process in which sensations are integrated with ideas, memories and emotions that make up their in‐dividuality and experiences (Clarkson, 1992). Through the photographic image, the child tries to give voice to his or her own expression of identity by sharing personal experiences even when, due to disability, this may compromise linguistic expression (Mura, Zurru, 2013). Each photograph, therefore, represents a communicative choice that tells the "story of the emotion" experienced. Writing itself, more generally communication, is contaminated by visual elements (Zona, De Castro, 2019).

