La complessità della progettazione di un percorso formativo fondato sulla relazione tra arti sceniche e didattica in chiave inclusiva


  • Nadia Carlomagno



This research work describes the complex preliminary path to the planning of a Masters in
Theater Pedagogy and Teaching. The postgraduate program involves technical methods and
applications of the Performing Arts activated in the last three years at the Suor Orsola Benincasa
University of Naples. The Master's proposal takes shape from a scientific rather than educational
need in order to open a specific comparison and experimentation area between teaching and
the performing arts. These two aspects of research are seemingly distant and distinct but also
potentially interdependent and bordering by defining the inclusive potential of theatrical action.
The work focused on a preliminary phase of analysis on the different design models from which
emerged the need to adopt Design for Learning (Laurillard, 2008) and the Episodes of Situated
Learning (Rivoltella, 2013), which offered the possibility of defining training activities in which
didactic actions could be expressed. Relational and meta-communicative potential were also
examined on promoting inclusive processes through practices in order to encourage the learning
processes of everyone. (Goussot, 2015).

