L’incontro con i BES: una sfida cruciale nelle testimonianze di insegnanti di scuola dell’infanzia e primaria


  • Maja Antonietti
  • Chiara Bertolini


This research looks deeper into the theme of a teacher’s professional identity, studying those aspects of expertise (Berliner, 1987) which teachers believe they habitually employ or which they feel are necessary when dealing with children with special educational needs. The research highlights examples or instances within the teachers’ working experience, in written descriptions by both class and special teachers for inclusion working in Italian preschool and primary schools. The theme of competence and levels of criticism in the teaching profession where explored through the analysis of 515 autobiographical essays where teachers described their work experiences as being successful or riddled with difficulties. The essays collected were examined using textual analysis (Taltac) (De Lillo, 1971; Bolasco, 1999) and subsequently the relationship with special educational needs will be examined through content analysis on the 208 essay that reports situation connected to special educational needs. Lexical analysis carried out highlights certain contexts and situations as being particularly relevant to teachers as their encounters with children with special needs. The content analysis put in evidence the area of the teaching profession (Galliani, 2004) of those teachers involved in encounters with children with special needs, the resources adopted by them, the heart of the problem
connected to the satisfaction gained or the level of professional criticism when dealing with children with special educational needs. The aim is reflect on suitable strategies and material for training teachers in order to create a climate for inclusion in the classroom.





III. ESITI DI RICERCA (a. ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa; b. Strumenti e metodologie)