Moving from “I” to “We”. Rethinking the educating community as a “personological” model


  • Pierluca Turnone Ionian Department of Law, Economics and Environment, University of Bari Aldo Moro



Crisis of democracy, Human rights, Community, Philosophy of education, Personology


For quite some time, the various interpretative paradigms of today’s society have warned of specific signs of weakness shown by Western democracies. If we want to rethink the nature and the pedagogical role of democracy, then we should reflect from a theoretical-educational point of view on the very conditions that allow community coexistence, for instance by getting out of the individual logic of the “Self” and moving towards a “We” dimension. In fact, as argued by R. Esposito, if the munus shared by a communitas is first and foremost an “absence”, a deprivation, a de-subjectification, the thematization of the We within a personological perspective would allow pedagogy to “preserve” this absence in a renewed idea of community, in which the dialectic between the social rules and individual freedom would be expressed.

