Women: from subordination, to difference, to gender value.

The words to say it


  • Simonetta Ulivieri università di firenze




Social and institutional differences are not biological differences and do not derive from the sex of registry membership but are the complex and variable result of precise formative processes, through which girls and boys are induced into behaviours that depend in each population on the socio-cultural expectations of families and parental and friendship groups. According to these norms, every child is coercively induced to adapt to a certain role, and to define themselves as a binary identity of belonging. Today, pedagogy is called upon to be the interpreter of new educational and communicative styles, open to a different way of understanding one's sexual identity and of feeling oneself fully as a human being beyond rigid and insurmountable memberships and appearances. Paraphrasing Simone de Beauvoir, it can be said that one is not born a woman or a man, but one becomes one.

