La cuestión de las diferencias en educación: interpretaciones pedagógicas, filosóficas y literarias


  • Carlos Skliar Investigador del Área de Educación de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, CONICET/FLACSO-Argentina


It has become customary to talk about the differences as if they were essential attribute of certain subjects or certain peculiar identities. Educational scenarios that proclaim notions such as equality, inclusion and diversity assume a position of proximity / distance with respect to the unique experience of being in relationship between differences. His readings are crossed by strong components standardization and legal regulation. So: What reading can be present at the time of thinking the multiplicity of differences within Education? A philosophical and literary reading that allows, perhaps, go beyond faded images that confuse the differences with subjects thought of as different and, perhaps, reveal the complexity and randomness of actions and educational experiences.






I. RIFLESSIONE TEORICA (a. incontro con la storia; b. questioni epistemologiche)