Promoting inclusive processes at school with Digital Storytelling


  • Luca Ferrari
  • Marco Nenzioni



One of the most significant educational challenges that schools have to facing today is to contrast
any kind of social discrimination and scholastic burnout of students wich came from different
cultures. With the aim of responding to this challenge, it has been set-up the European project
Roma Inclusive School Experiences (RISE), coordinated by the University of Bologna. This project
intends to promote scholastic and social inclusion of Roma children student who attend Italian,
Portuguese and Slovenian primary and secondary schools, through the activation of researchtraining
courses (created for teachers and policy makers) and workshops (theater, kitchen, rap,
digital culture etc.) addressed to the studentrs of participating classes. This paper presents the
results of an exploratory survey aimed at detecting the impact of Digital Storytelling activities
through the “voice” of the students. The collected data show that there are several points in
common between the two levels of schools involved with respect to the positive impact of the
laboratory, but also substantial differences concerning – depending on the school level – the
greater or lesser habit of teachers to activate opportunities for collaborative work in the classroom
supported (also) by digital technologies.





III. ESITI DI RICERCA (a. ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa; b. Strumenti e metodologie)