Exclusive Inclusion – Side Effects of Implementing Competence-Oriented Assessment-Concepts


  • Susanne Schumacher
  • Ulrike Stadler-Altmann




Discourses on inclusion within the educational sciences have raised various challenges and
controversial issues over the past 20 years (Goodin, 1996; Vobruba, 2000). In school development,
the discussion focuses on difficulties in transforming concepts caused by structural obstacles,
such as the clash of educational goal and economic aims (cf. Barton and Slee, 1999). Puhr &
Geldner (2017) stated that the principle of equal opportunities in education and competenceoriented
teaching and learning contains ambivalent demands that provide chances for participation
as well as exclusion as a side effect in everyday school life. On this basis, they refer to
Stichweh (2009) who describes the ‘exclusive inclusion effect’ and points out that in schools with
inclusive lessons exclusion is often an accompanying factor at the level of organization management.
This contribution points out dissonances in developing participation in schools and exclusion
as a connected feature. There was a scientific interest in the phenomenon of inherent
exclusion within different dimensions of school development processes. Based on the secondary
analysis of semi-structured interviews about implementing competence assessment concepts,
it can be demonstrated that the claim of doing equitable assessment to all pupils requires incidental
exclusionary actions to drive change management.






III. ESITI DI RICERCA (a. ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa; b. Strumenti e metodologie)