Il potenziamento della lingua scritta in bambini stranieri: una ricerca


  • Francesca Nardò Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano


This work shows the application of an educational training, inspired to the training “Let’s understand each other- from the sign- to the written Italian language” (“Capiamoci- dalla lingua dei segni
italiana alla lingua italiana scritta”) by Baldi, Giorgetti e Pelizzari (2008), and it addresses who teach or work within the educational area. It is aimed at improving linguistic ability and involved a sample of foreign children ( N = 21), who were recently introduced into the Primary Italian school and put into a course of basic linguistic literacy. First of all, the research reports data from a screening on the level of the learning ability and of cognitive functioning. This allows to obtain some information about the child’s abilities and it permits to have a clearer picture of the initial situation, in order to intervene on his difficulties in a more specific and productive way. The sample has been divided into two subgroups ( Group 1: experimental; Group 2: control) and only the experimental group has been presented with the training related to the linguistic improvement of the written language.
The two subgroups have been given didactical tests to evaluate some basic abilities for the acquisition of a second language. The results of the pre and post training underline the efficacy of the
training in relation to the listening, written and reading tests.






III. ESITI DI RICERCA (a. ricerca qualitativa e quantitativa; b. Strumenti e metodologie)