From motor games to the life, through motor sport activities: the FIDAL Project


  • Andrea Casolo


This contribution takes into consideration the game of movement or sport-game,
as an ideal and enjoyable type of physical activity for the child, which in its fulfilment affects different growth domains by contributing to a global and balanced development of child’s personality. Nowadays, the game opportunities and recreational motor-ludic proposals should not be considered a loss of time, as has always been thought. On the contrary, these should represent critical opportunities for cognitive emotional, moral, motor and social growth of the child. In this regard, several National Sports Federations and Institutions are implementing policies of promotion and recruitment of the youngers in order to bring children closer to sport, by using playful and ludic proposals and by choosing the sport-game as a major strategy to orientate and encourage sports participation. This conscious choice is based on the awareness that today’s sport has to adapt to the child and not vice versa.
The sport-game proposed by the Italian Federation of Athletics (FIDAL) is an interesting motor-ludic proposal, which orients and helps the child to approach the sport disciplines of running, jumping and throwing by adopting different didactic modalities and inclusive forms of direct involvement mainly based on problem solving, mixed game paths and sport-games, in which all children can participate while having fun.



How to Cite

Casolo, A. (2018). From motor games to the life, through motor sport activities: the FIDAL Project. Formazione & Insegnamento, 16(1 Suppl.), 9–20. Retrieved from