The function of corporeality in the development of knowledge


  • Francesco Lo Presti


The paper aims to highlight the role assumed from corporeality in shaping
Self and learning processes and, therefore, the function that it can assume
as an interpretive category that models training processes, focusing on use
of body and movement as viaticum of knowledge.
Specifically, it will be presented a perspective that, describing and integrating
cognitive, socio-constructivist and culturalist approaches, constitutes a
significant background to define the notions of body-in-relation and movement
in a complex and multidimensional pedagogical perspective.
Starting from this theoretical background take moves some basic guidelines
for planning and implementing didactics thought as innovative ways that legitimize the use of physical education as a privileged strategy to improve
tout court the quality of learning and training processes.



How to Cite

Lo Presti, F. (2017). The function of corporeality in the development of knowledge. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(1 Suppl.), 55–64. Retrieved from