Rethinking teacher education: between traditional and innovative competences


  • Chiara Urbani


Into European political and pedagogical debate, the eventuality about the
creation in Italy of an “integrated education and training system for age 0-
6” (L 107/2015) requests as no longer to put off the problem of the preschool
professionalism identification, as its qualification. The need of a univocal
definition of professional profiles by models of competences led to
the formulation of this project research, wants to carry out a new model of
continuing professional development, according to the paradigm of capability
approach. However, the current lack of a model of professional competences
which to refer, requires a primary attention to such professionalism
describing reference, linked to the development of several expansion
approaches at the same. The definition of systematic and coherent paths of
initial formal training allow us to design new directions of continuing professional development, able to include the non-formal and informal enlarged
learning contexts.



How to Cite

Urbani, C. (2016). Rethinking teacher education: between traditional and innovative competences. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(2), 292–306. Retrieved from