The profound reasons of a ‘resistance’. A systemic reading of the school system


  • Ines Giunta


The invitation to rethink the school aspire to a profound renewal, aimed at
the heart of the problems that afflict it, enter immediately into an ecological,
systemic vision, that is attentive to be redeployed them within the web
of life and to give sense. Among them, evaluation merit particular attention,
as called upon to play a regulatory function of the system, the results of
which determine its efficiency in managing the complexity and sometimes
even its same survival. In order to view this, it can not understand how it is
necessary to set the criteria for the evaluation of the system if not from a
deep understanding of the many, constant, stubborn resistance that accompanied the many innovations introduced over the years by the Ministry on
evaluation. In this direction, the paper presents the results of a qualitative
research, which was accompanied by a broader quantitative research, about
the survay of the dimensions of the teacher’s attitudes in respect of evaluation,
conducted in order to read and interpret the phenomenon in its specific
interconnections and interdependencies.



How to Cite

Giunta, I. (2016). The profound reasons of a ‘resistance’. A systemic reading of the school system. Formazione & Insegnamento, 14(2), 97–110. Retrieved from