Geo-history curriculum structuring: a path between research and teacher training


  • Patrizia Magnoler
  • Maila Pentucci


The “Indicazioni Nazionali per il Curricolo” (2012) offer a new idea of curriculum, that provides teachers with a contestualisation and an orienteering for the design and for the practice.
After this redefinition, it is possible thinking about a bottom-up curriculum construction? The curriculum could be a framework for teachers and a space-time dispositive where they realize research, training, design and action?
This paper will attempt to answer this question by introducing a three years
research/training plan, that started from teachers’ practices analysis and led to the elaboration of curriculum guidelines, based on the school subject “Geostoria”. This framework connects a lot of points of view through which it is possible to observe the discipline: the semantics, that is the “canone” for the assiologization of the contents; the grammar, that is the conceptual
background which set in motion the didactic transposition; the syntax, that are the significative cognitive operations made by pupils on the go-historical knowledge, to become competent.



How to Cite

Magnoler, P., & Pentucci, M. (2017). Geo-history curriculum structuring: a path between research and teacher training. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, 385–400. Retrieved from


