L’impiego dell’ICF-CY nella scuola italiana e l’approccio dell’Evidence Based Education: dati e prospettive e ricerca


  • Lucia Chiappetta Cajola Pensa MultiMedia Editore
  • Marina Chiaro
  • Amalia Lavinia Rizzo


The purpose of this article is to describe jointly and cross-data the opportunities offered by the use, in the perspective of Evidence Based Education (EBE), of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth (ICF-CY) in research and instructional design as it emerged from the results of three surveys conducted by the University of Roma Tre. According to the ICF-CY conceptual framework and the EBE perspective, three studies have been designed to obtain a composite overview from which we can highlight: the current level of knowledge and use of this classification by the teachers of the Italian school; the possibility to implement such use by means of appropriate teachers’ training activities; the possibility to collect, pre and post specific support activities, integrated data about activity and participation of all students. Data analysis is presented in order to give a contribute to the dissemination of information collected by a rigorous research design in the field of special education.






II. REVISIONE SISTEMATICA (a. meta-analisi; b. Evidence Based Education)